Matt Zischka (Smart & Biggar) and Scott MacKendrick (Bereskin & Parr) will review the upcoming changes to Canada’s Patent Act, the motivations behind these changes, and the impact they are expected to have on patent practice.
Matt Zischka is a patent agent, lawyer, and partner with the Toronto Office of Smart & Biggar. He holds electrical engineering and law degrees, and has been active in the IP field since 1992. He has a largely direct client patent drafting, prosecution and advisory practice, and also provides licensing, due diligence, and litigation support services.
Matt is the current chair of the IPIC patent legislation committee; the AIPPI Canada patent committee; and is a frequent lecturer/speaker on topics of patent law and policy.
Scott MacKendrick is a partner with Bereskin & Parr LLP and member of the Litigation practice group.
Scott practices in all areas of intellectual property law, with a focus on litigation. He has been involved in patent litigation across a broad range of technologies, including pharmaceutical, medical device, chemical and mechanical technologies, and has been involved in trademark, copyright, industrial design, trade secret litigation, and in domain name dispute resolution. He has an active practice before the Canadian Trade-marks Opposition Board. Scott also advises clients on intellectual property portfolio strategies, with a particular emphasis on trade-mark portfolio management, Canada’s anti-counterfeiting regime and the incoming changes to Canada’s trade-mark, patent and industrial design laws.
Scott is currently the Chair of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada’s (IPIC) Educational Foundation, and was for many years the Chair of its Forums and Seminars Committee. He is currently, and also has been, an active committee member for a number of IP organizations, including the International Trademark Association (INTA), the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA), and the American Bar Association’s Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA-IPL). He is also the Chair of the University of Toronto’s College of Electors, the Vice President, Governance of the University of the Toronto Alumni Association, and a board member of the University of Toronto Engineering Alumni Association Executive.
Scott is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto, has taught at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University and at the University of Victoria, and has repeatedly been an instructor at the McGill University-IPIC Trade-mark Practitioner Advanced Course. Scott is also the recipient of the University of Toronto Arbor Award.
Scott speaks frequently on a wide variety of intellectual property topics. He is also the author of numerous intellectual property publications.